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Legend (Redi/VHC)

Remnant Vegetation V10 (Regional Ecosystems) (0)
Pre-clearing Vegetation V10 (Regional Ecosystems) (1)
Broad Vegetation Hazard Class (2)
BVG 1-7 Rainforest and scrubs BVG 1-7 Rainforest and scrubs
BVG 8 Wet eucalypt open forest BVG 8 Wet eucalypt open forest
BVG 9-15 Eastern eucalypt woodlands to open forests BVG 9-15 Eastern eucalypt woodlands to open forests
BVG 16 Eucalypt open forests to woodlands on floodplains BVG 16 Eucalypt open forests to woodlands on floodplains
BVG 17-19 Eucalypt dry woodlands on inland depositional plains BVG 17-19 Eucalypt dry woodlands on inland depositional plains
BVG 20 Callitris woodlands to open forests BVG 20 Callitris woodlands to open forests
BVG 21-22 Melaleuca open woodlands on depositional plains BVG 21-22 Melaleuca open woodlands on depositional plains
BVG 23 Acacia aneura(mulga) dominated open forests, woodlands and shrublands BVG 23 Acacia aneura(mulga) dominated open forests, woodlands and shrublands
BVG 24-26 Other acacia dominated open forests, woodlands and shrublands BVG 24-26 Other acacia dominated open forests, woodlands and shrublands
BVG 27 Mixed species woodlands - open woodlands (inland bioregions) includes wooded downs BVG 27 Mixed species woodlands - open woodlands (inland bioregions) includes wooded downs
BVG 28-29 Other coastal communities or heaths BVG 28-29 Other coastal communities or heaths
BVG 30-32 Tussock grasslands, forblands BVG 30-32 Tussock grasslands, forblands
BVG 33 Hummock grasslands BVG 33 Hummock grasslands
BVG 34 Wetlands (swamps and lakes) BVG 34 Wetlands (swamps and lakes)
BVG 35 Mangroves and tidal saltmarshes BVG 35 Mangroves and tidal saltmarshes
BVG 36 Exotic and hardwood plantation BVG 36 Exotic and hardwood plantation
BVG 37 Hoop plantations BVG 37 Hoop plantations
BVG 38 Cropping and horticulture BVG 38 Cropping and horticulture
BVG 39 Low to moderate tree cover in built-up areas BVG 39 Low to moderate tree cover in built-up areas
BVG 40 Low grass or tree cover in rural areas BVG 40 Low grass or tree cover in rural areas
BVG 41 Low grass or tree cover in built-up area BVG 41 Low grass or tree cover in built-up area
BVG 42 Nil to very low vegetation cover BVG 42 Nil to very low vegetation cover
BVG 43 Waterbodies BVG 43 Waterbodies