| BVG 1-7 Rainforest and scrubs |
| BVG 8 Wet eucalypt open forest |
| BVG 9-15 Eastern eucalypt woodlands to open forests |
| BVG 16 Eucalypt open forests to woodlands on floodplains |
| BVG 17-19 Eucalypt dry woodlands on inland depositional plains |
| BVG 20 Callitris woodlands to open forests |
| BVG 21-22 Melaleuca open woodlands on depositional plains |
| BVG 23 Acacia aneura(mulga) dominated open forests, woodlands and shrublands |
| BVG 24-26 Other acacia dominated open forests, woodlands and shrublands |
| BVG 27 Mixed species woodlands - open woodlands (inland bioregions) includes wooded downs |
| BVG 28-29 Other coastal communities or heaths |
| BVG 30-32 Tussock grasslands, forblands |
| BVG 33 Hummock grasslands |
| BVG 34 Wetlands (swamps and lakes) |
| BVG 35 Mangroves and tidal saltmarshes |
| BVG 36 Exotic and hardwood plantation |
| BVG 37 Hoop plantations |
| BVG 38 Cropping and horticulture |
| BVG 39 Low to moderate tree cover in built-up areas |
| BVG 40 Low grass or tree cover in rural areas |
| BVG 41 Low grass or tree cover in built-up area |
| BVG 42 Nil to very low vegetation cover |
| BVG 43 Waterbodies |